“I’ve been searching for my biological father my entire adult life. I was born to a teen mom and no dad was listed on my birth certificate. When I was 3 years old I was adopted by my “dad” but have always wondered about my biological father.

I located Find A DNA Family thru a Dateline news episode I was watching. I googled the names of the DNA researchers and sent a message. I was so excited when I received a return message the same day! The entire experience working with Find A DNA Family has been amazing!

I can’t say enough positive things about Find A DNA Family!! Missy and Lori are very knowledgeable and experienced with DNA research and family tree development. They made me feel like they truly cared about me and my story. They provided constant support, communication, tips on what to expect as well as their understanding of someone that’s been adopted looking for DNA family. I was so excited every time I would receive a message from one of them 😊

I highly recommend Find a DNA Family to anyone looking for assistance, guidance and support in your DNA journey!!”

Thank you!


“I was adopted at 3 months old and have never known my biological father. I’d done 23&me with no luck for over a year until Lori started doing her work. She found him within 1 week! A third-party DNA test confirmed that he is indeed my biological father and we have been in touch ever since. I can’t thank Lori enough:)”


Lafayette, LA 2020

“I had been trying to find my birth mother for several years. Everything I did brought me no closer to finding her. Then, through a mutual friend, I met Lori Flowers. and explained to her everything I had done. I did DNA, Ancestry website. Within a very short time, Lori was able to locate my mother. I discovered that the challenge was that my mother never owned a computer or cell phone. She never had an online presence. Lori was able to provide me with my mother's name, address, phone number, date of birth. I now have a great relationship with my biological mother and she helped fill in the huge gap I had about who I was and where I came from. I will always be thankful for the day I met Lori Flowers. She truly is a professional at what she does.”

Mark M.

Detroit, Michigan 2019

“I was adopted at 5 months old, I always knew I was adopted. My parents were wonderful..I never wanted to do DNA while they were living. After my Mother died my husband gave me an Ancestry DNA test, I was 62 years old. I was so lost when the results came back and overwhelmed! Missy was working on one of my matches account and she ask me if she could look at my matches. I gave her full access to all my stuff. It wasn't easy but she did it!! Both parents names...they were both deceased, but I had names! I also had 6 half siblings and I was the baby of the family! Because of Missy I have the best relationship with all my new found family and there is lots of family!!! LOL! No one knew about me! But they all know now and I love them! Life is good! THANK YOU MISSY! “

Lynn Usary

Fairmont, WV 2017

“I’ve been trying to figure out how to write a really great short review about my experience with Find DNA Family and its co founder Missy Koski. I could write paragraphs but all I'm going to say is it has been nothing short of miraculous. After many years of on again off again searches, once I turned my case and information over to Missy, within a few weeks I knew who my birth family was. Not only did she find them, she shared some of her personal experiences and knowledge about what to expect when reconnecting with my birth family.  If you need or want help from people who truly care about you, these are your people!! Let them help you find YOUR truth!! “

With all the gratitude in the world

Kimberly Hanes

Mount Pleasant, TX 2022